Today was the last day of classes, the graduation ceremony is next Monday (5/17/2010). Just like the classes that have passed through these doors since 1988, the graduating class of 2010 got up on a ladder for the "signing of the tube".
The Dust collection tube that runs through the workshop has been part of a tradition at DCTC, where the students leave their mark on the school, just as the school has left it's mark on them. Each year the students paint,
decorate, veneer, faux finish, or install something from their class. This year, the class of 2010 had a group photo taken, enlarged and framed in a frame that they gilded and painted the NIWF logo and 2010 in reverse on the glass.
Good luck to all the grads of 2010. They have worked very hard, and we hope that as they go out into the world, they will always keep in touch and visit the school when they can, to help pass along their knowledge to the current students in the upcoming years.