Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wood 1004 Wood Working: Making Components

We are in the thick of our 4th of 9 sections. This is Wood Working (Wood 1004) where we start the section by learning how to sharpen out hand tools such as chisels, block plains, cabinet scrapers and just about anything that needs sharpening. After that the goal is to repair damaged wooden components, or, if something is missing, we must replace that piece. We work with both hand tools and power tools, including wood lathes, band saws, routers, table saws as well as hand saws, files, rasps, chisels and many others to hone our skills as wood workers so that we can re-create the original look and feel of furniture that has been worn, or damaged.
You can see in the photos, students are working in the power tool room creating various parts to go into repair work, or working with hand tools making new components. We also focus on veneer repair and hand joinery. Understanding of how furniture is constructed is an important part of knowing how to fix it in an authentic manner.
Although we do not build furniture in this section, we are re-creating almost an part of it in order to complete our repairs.