*The History of Coatings - What Was It Originally?
*Technology of Materials and Processes - What Is It, and How Do we Know?
*What Will We do About It - Treatment Decisions and Processes
Some of the specifics that were covered were:
*Introduction to Coatings Chemistry and Technology: Formulation and Film Formation
*Historic and Contemporary Wood finishing Materials and Techniques
*Solvent Theory and Solubility Practice
*Evaluation of Appearance
*Characterization of Historic Coatings
*Survey of Coating Resins Used in Conservation
*Natural and Synthetic Dyes for Furniture Finishes
*Strategic Techniques for Coatings Restoration and Preservation
A subsequent coatings course (July 2010, proposed) will emphasize painted finishes, e.g. poly-chrome sculpture, decorated furniture finishes, and consolidating and inpainting painted surfaces. A third course in the series is tentatively scheduled for July 2011, and will emphasize advanced applications in the workshop setting.